
Said on AIM today

NPP: *growl* NA: what? NPP: just growling about pay. i’m not allowed to growl prn? NA: LOL

Apr 14, 2009

History of Present Relationship

When it comes time in a relationship to “define the relationship” or DTR, you may find it useful to remember to use OPQRST. Onset – How did this start? Did you start liking me suddenly?

Apr 13, 2009


My posts are not in the order they necessarily occur(ed) in. Since I’ll likely be posting about previous events for a while, they’re in the order that they cross my mind.

Apr 13, 2009


NPP is sitting with me at work right now – the job I actually get paid to do (theatre), not the one I actually like (ems) – watching a comedy show.

Apr 12, 2009


Here on the band-aid brigade we like to remember mistakes that could have had bad outcomes, but didn’t. We call this an “oops” list. My favourite oops happened this semester. I was on shift with Nursing Programme Partner, a third band-aid brigader, and a couple ride alongs from the EMT-Basic class.

Apr 12, 2009

Band-aid Brigade

I yearn for a decent call. When I hear the fire station closest to campus get paged for a medical, I start salivating like a wild animal. I see red. In my head I start running through ACLS trees, timing compressions, considering the fastest way to get across campus given the traffic patterns for the time of day.

Apr 12, 2009

Technical Theatre v. EMS

I like to think that I keep a level head on a scene and do the best assessment I can do. I’ve also noticed that EMTs and theatre technicians share the same of sense of humour.

Apr 12, 2009

Dramatis Persona

If you’ve ever read a play, you know that it usually begins with a cast of characters – sometimes called a dramatis persona. I’m going to introduce myself and some of the people in my life.

Apr 12, 2009