
Bragging Rights

I don’t like people who brag, and I don’t like being one of them. Sometimes, though, events call for celebration. Last year I decided to really start pursuing emergency medicine as a career over technical theatre.

Dec 19, 2009

This is not a pipe

Rule #1: Any correlation between the dispatch and the actual call is strictly a coincidental. Dispatcher: Band-aid brigade, copy medical. Swimming accident at the local pool. At least one patient.

Nov 1, 2009

Sick or old?

One of the reasons I like EMS is because it can be intellectually challenging. I had a call recently that I thought was going to turn into an episode of House.

Oct 31, 2009

“Trauma” – my comment from the Happy Medic

The Happy Medic recently asked his readers if they thought cancelling “Trauma” (my new favourite show [whimper]) was a good thing. You might be able to tell from the tone of my post, but I think the EMS community was largely ignorant in so quickly judging the show.

Oct 31, 2009

How not to replace a light bulb

An advantage of working in theatre is that you inevitably become very comfortable with working around electricity. A disadvantage of working in theatre is that you inevitable become very comfortable with working around electricity.

Aug 27, 2009

A tale of two patients

I recently responded to two different patients with the same complaint: shortness of breath. Patient #1 As soon as we walked in the door she filled our ears with tales about how “I’ve been short of breath for a few days but today was worse and my blood pressure is all over the place when I gain or lose weight and right now I’m heavier so it’s higher and there’s some tightness in my chest and which hospital am I going to and can my significant other come and what about my cat.

Aug 25, 2009

In other news

Two fun patient encounters today: Part 1 – Cute girl: [runs up] can I get a Tylenol? NA: Sure I just need your number. CG: Oh! [giggle] 999-555-1212 NA: um, I meant your runner bib number.

Jul 26, 2009

Marathon Standby

To: anyone who wants to run a marathon From: any medically oriented person Re: marathon training If you have an existing medical condition and a physician has told you not to run, a marathon counts as running.

Jul 26, 2009


I make a reasonable ammount of money. I used to have a blackberry, but the more I tried to use the internet the more annoyed I got with its limitations. So yesterday I took the plunge and went to the Apple store.

Jun 29, 2009

Hope for the Future

People often look at “kids today” and worry about what the world is coming to. You probably don’t know it, but the image above is an illustration of a statue in Gilwell park, England that depicts “the ideal Boy Scout.

Jun 22, 2009