
How this site was made

This site was made in Rstudio using Hugo, blogdown, git, and netlify. Here are the resources I used when building the site. I mainly followed Allison Hill’s guide. She also has a number of other posts on blogdown that are helpful.

Nov 11, 2019

Code to import talks to Hugo Academic

One of my challenges setting up this website was creating all my past talks. I wrote some R code to do it efficiently from a CSV. Repo found here.

Nov 11, 2019

DIY Headset Instructions

If you’re looking for the DIY clearcom headset instructions, they now live here: DIY Lightweight Clearcom Headset DIY Headset Appendix: Plantronics m130

Nov 10, 2019

UVU Magazine

I was recently in UVU magazine article featuring graduates from the paramedic program who have gone on to pursue careers in medicine.

Sep 22, 2018


I’ve been active in UCSD SOM’s Emergency Medicine Interest Group’s leadership since I was an MS1. For the 2017-18 year I’ve been acting as the president – coordinating all the mentoring, events, and communication.

Jan 3, 2018

Youtube Lectures

I’ve posted lectures on youtube from conferences I’ve spoken at the last several years.

Sep 19, 2017

New Textbook

The newest edition of Critical Care Transport has been published. I had the pleasure of reviewing several chapters of this textbook.

Sep 19, 2017

Unexpectedly in the Spotlight

I’ve been lucky enough to get involved with the EM:RAP crew, helping with their monthly live broadcasts. At the last show, they had a segment on DeWinter T-waves where Stuart Swadron was using an article I wrote as part of his presentation!

Sep 19, 2017

Annals of Emergency Medicine Podcast

If you aren’t listening to the Annals of Emergency Medicine Audio Summary – you should be. I’ve been privileged to be part of the team since January. Subscribe! My bio on the Annals website:

Sep 19, 2017


A few years ago I became a CPR instructor for no real reason other than I wanted to. My very first CPR class had a half dozen students from the theatre department where I was doing my undergrad.

Jun 25, 2011